User story

Cad Toner: We would recommend ISL Online to any company searching for a professional and secure remote desktop software

Cad Toner, the leader and largest distributor of remanufactured cartridges and printing consumables in northern Mexico, solves over 200 technical issues every day using ISL Online remote desktop software.

We have been talking to their IT manager Guadalupe Gaytan, who gave us a nice insight on how they have been using ISL Online in the last three years.

Technician offering remote support
Cadtoner offers remote support to 200 clients daily and 5000 on yearly basis.

Before switching to ISL Online, you were using a free remote desktop solution. It’s hard to imagine a company with over 30 offices and distribution centres using a free tool.
That’s true. In fact, we encountered security and reliability issues and started to search for a professional, highly secure remote support and remote access solution.

What kind of solution were you searching for?
We were searching for a secure, fast, light and reliable tool which would allow us to connect to remote computers in seconds.

Did you have any other special requests?
Yes, we did. Some of our clients have low bandwidth internet, so we needed a solution that works well in such an environment. Of course, a cross-platform solution was a must.

After evaluating 3 different remote desktop solutions, you decided to go with ISL Online?
Absolutely! One of our providers highly recommended ISL Online remote desktop. We tested it and were more than happy with the outcome. The software fulfilled all of our requirements and turned out to be among the most secure remote desktop software on the market. It exceeded our expectations.

You offer remote support to 200 clients daily and 5000 on yearly basis. How many operators work for your helpdesk?
There are 10+ tech reps. Our remote support scenario often includes one operator working on multiple computers at the same time so we are taking a great advantage of the multisession option ISL Online offers, which allows simultaneous support of various users from one computer. The multisession option is essential for our use case, it boosts our productivity and makes ISL Online a really cost-effective solution.

Which ISL Online features are especially important for you and why?
Multisession option, two-factor authentication and grouping. Besides remote support, we often access unattended computers. We have a lot of computers on our lists, so the grouping feature is important for us. It allows our operators to organise computers in groups to easily identify and connect to a specific computer. It also allows a tech rep to share remote computers with other operators they trust.

You mentioned remote access. Your operators stay connected to some of the remote computers for a whole day without a break to monitor specific processes. Have you ever experienced a downtime?
Remote access is the key product for our company. With ISL Online we haven’t experienced any downtime, the remote connection is secure and reliable. The ISL Online Network has been seamlessly working till now, I would say 100%, always with an outstanding speed.

Approximately, how many working hours have you saved since you have started to use ISL Online?
Based on physical distance, we saved over 10,000 hours during the last 3 years.

Would you suggest ISL Online to companies like yours?
Yes, without a doubt. As mentioned before, one of our trusted providers recommended ISL Online to us. Now we would do the same if a company searching for a professional and secure remote desktop software would ask for our opinion.

Guadalupe, thank you for taking your time and sharing your experience with us and our clients.

About Cad Toner
Cad Toner, established in 1989, is the first remanufacturer and recharger of toner cartridges in Mexico. Today, with a manufacturing capacity of over 50,000 monthly cartridges, Cad Toner is the leading and largest distributor of remanufactured cartridges and printing consumables in Mexico.
The company, headquartered in the City of Monterrey, has more than 30 offices and distribution centres spread across Mexico and employs over 400 people.
Cad Toner’s business concept emphasizes the concern for the environment. They allow consumers to reuse, reduce, and recycle cartridges and thus help protect the environment by reducing the impact of the millions of cartridges that are discarded to landfills every day.

P.S. If you’d like to share your ISL Online story, we would be more than glad to listen. Get in touch.

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