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Cloud remote support service that you can trust: ISL Online availability

Over 200,000 businesses ran over 10 million troubleshooting sessions in 2014. While it gives us enormous pride of the number of people who rely on us every day, we recognise the huge responsibility to meet and exceed customers’ rising expectations. That’s why we have invested a lot of money and effort to provide a trustworthy and reliable remote access service. The 2014 availability fits with the ISL Online SLA 99.95 percent uptime, but most importantly it convinces users of the service quality.

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22 important remote desktop features every supporter should master

Updated on March 21, 2022 by Barbara Viskovic

Remote desktop software which lets you tap into a remote computer and control it through another 21/machine is one of the key tools for an efficient support centre. Even though the software delivers amazing functionality, for those daily engaged in tech support activities, it requires some skill and time to be able to manoeuvre it confidently. To help you master it, we prepared a checklist of the must-use remote desktop tools that will make every tech supporter’s job a lot easier.